The dark goddess requires honesty. It can hurt and feel as if one is drowning in pain in misery.
The dark goddess arrives as a helper, in order to reach for the curtain that's frightening to pull to show you who you really are inside.
She becomes the arm extended, the hand that wraps the sheets of emotional fabric, that weighed heavily on the bar. Yet as she pulls it back, there is relief. It is being exposed . It is personal and it is healing.
Now the wound is open and can be cleaned thoroughly.
The card I pulled today is "The Sun" reversed. The Dark goddess is in the trenches with you she's in the darkness revealing the mud the crud and the gunk.
The dark goddess is preparing the soul for the sunlight, the play and the celebration. Go inward and have courage. She is with you As you sit by the window and stare out of the frame and feel the heat beam through the glass.
It's magical knowing that the dark goddess within you is shining healing and enjoying the beauty of true wellness. So go inward.
Choose to thrive in the dark place of the soul and choose yourself. Choose to live!